read the article quot how the online hate mob set its sights on me quot and complete the reading questions…
- What did Justine Sacco do? Why did people find it offensive? Do you find it offensive?
- What is Ronson’s connection to Justine Sacco? Why is he interested in her story?
- Does Ronson believe that Sacco is racist? Or intentionally misusing her privilege? Why or why not?
- Ronson writes, “I wrote about Justine not because I identified with her, although I did, but because I identified with the people who tore her apart.†Why does Ronson identify with the “people who tore her apart� Does this influence his attitude toward Sacco?
- How do Ronson’s online threats differ from those received by Justine Sacco? Why?
- Describe Rachel Dolezal’s situation and why people reacted the way they did. Do you believe these reactions are justified? Why or why not?
- Why is Ronson criticized for his discussion of Dolezal, and what is his response to the criticism?
- Based on his reaction to the Rachel Dolezal story, what does Ronson believe is the purpose of journalism?
- What is the “misuse of privilege� Why do the online responders accuse Justine Sacco and the woman from the Amtrak crash of it?
- What does Ronson mean by “instant cold judgment� What is an example of it from the text?
- What do you believe is the appropriate punishment for someone who writes something inappropriate (for whatever reason) online?
- How does the online culture that Ronson describes lead to a “surveillance state� Is there an alternative outcome? Why or why not?