receptors and senses questions


1)  _________________ respond to stimuli by converting them into _______________.

2) A decrease in receptor potential when a stimulus is constant is called ____________________.

3)  Receptors found in many places throughout the body are for ____________________ senses.

4) Examples of these senses include physical stimulus at the surface of the body, called _____________, and noxious stimulus, or _______________.

5)  Receptors that provide information about body position and movement are ____________________.

6)  Receptors found only in specific, complex organs are for _________________ senses.

7)  Receptors that respond to stimuli that cause a change in shape of the receptor are called ______________________.

8)  Pain is sensed by special receptors called __________________, which do not adapt to a prolonged stimulus.

9)  Receptors that respond to temperature changes are called ______________________.

10) Molecules and ions binding to receptors activate _________________ (receptor type).

11)  The _________________ epithelium contains the receptors for the sense of smell.

12)  The receptors in the olfactory sense are classified as __________________.

13)  Receptor cells for the sense of taste are mostly found in _________________ on the tongue.

14)  List the five recognized taste senses:

15) The medial border of the external ear is the _______________________.

16) The tube in the external ear is the ________________________.

17) The middle ear ossicles are the __________________, __________________, and _________________.

18) The handle of the __________________ rests against the medial surface of the ________________.

19) The tube connecting the middle ear to the nasopharynx is the _____________________ tube, which functions to maintain equal _________________ between the middle ear cavity and the ambient environment.

20) The stapes rests against the membrane of the ________________________, at the border between the middle ear and inner ear.

21) The middle ear is filled with ______________ while the canals of the inner ear are filled with _______________.

22) The _________________ is the inner ear structure that contains the receptors for hearing.

23) Sound waves picked up by the tympanic membrane are amplified by the ___________________ in the middle ear, and transmitted into the fluid of the _____________________ through the _______________ window.

24) Hair cells, the receptor cells for hearing, are found within the _____________________, in a structure called the organ of Corti.

25) The organ of Corti rests on the __________________ membrane.

26) Each region of the _______________ membrane vibrates at a different frequency, and is responsible for sounds of different _________________.

27) Sound waves that reach the end of the ____________________ are dampened by the __________________.

28) The ________________ and ____________________ within the vestibule detect the position of the head. These structures work because of the presence of ________________ within a gel matrix, which always bend the cilia of the hair cells downward.

29) The _________________________ detect rotation of the head. Inertia in the fluid within these canals bends the ________ ________________ and the cupula, which contains the cilia of the hair cells.

30) Eyelids are lined by a membrane called the ___________________, which also covers part of the surface of the eyeball.

31) The eyeball is kept moist by secretions from the _______________gland. Excess fluid drains into the __________________ canals at the _________________ on the medial side of the eye. The fluid collects into the ____________________, and drains into the nasal passages through the ________________________ duct.

32) There are six extrinsic muscles around each eye. Four are called ________________ muscles, because they run along the axis of the eyeball. Two are called ________________ muscles because they run across the axis of the eyeball. All are named for their position around the eyeball.

33) The eyeball has three layers. The outside layer is called the _________________ layer, and has two parts. The front of this layer is transparent and is called the __________________. The rest is opaque, and is called the _______________ or the white of the eye.

34) The middle, or __________________ layer of the eyeball, is mostly made up of the ___________________, a pigmented tissue that absorbs light so there is minimal internal reflection in the eyeball. The front of this layer contains the _________________ which controls the size of the pupil, and the _________________________ which holds and shapes the lens for accommodation to near or distant vision.

35) The inner layer of the eyeball consists of the _______________ which has a pigmented layer and a layer that contains the receptor cells for vision, which are the ________________, active in dim light and giving monochromatic vision, and the ___________________, active in bright light and give color vision.

36) The axons that receive signals from the receptor cells pass through the deep layer of the retina at the _________________, creating a blind spot in the field of vision.

37) The anterior cavity of the eyeball is filled with _________________ humor, and the posterior cavity is filled with __________________ humor. The division between the cavities is the _______________.

  1. What disease results from imbalance of secretion and absorption of aqueous humor?