reflections universal design easy 10 sentences

Overview of Assignment Requirements

Photograph of woman with baby stroller using a curb cut

The classic example of universal design is the sidewalk curb cut one sees on just about every corner in the United States. This physical change, originally intended for wheelchair users, benefits parents with strollers, young children, people using walkers, bicyclists, delivery workers, etc. Changes in the physical environment for one group of people ended up aiding many others who were perhaps not envisioned as being assisted.

This week, I would like you to identify a product, building, or item of clothing, which includes universal design.

What needs to be included in the submission?

  • Include an image, citation, and a 10-15 sentence paragraph describing how the design you selected is/not universal design.
  • Plan to include how each of the criteria considerations for inclusive/universal design are addressed, not addressed, or not applicable (criteria found in this week’s materials).
    • Questions to help you think about this…
      • What is required to use this object or space?
      • Based on the requirements of the space or object, who is being excluded
  • You may not use the examples of curb cuts or examples from the readings.