rel 123 tpfa2 i have a paper that i need to write

Topic: Choose only ONE of the three (whichever is easiest for you).

1. How is a sacrament both a sign and a symbol? Use one sacrament to illustrate.

2. How does Catholic theology understand the sacraments as “means of grace”?

3. What is the conscience? How does “natural law” work to inform our conscience?

This paper requires MLA formatting that includes:

12-point font

doubles spaced sentences

title and personal identification

separate Works-Cited page properly formatted

specific bibliographical form for print and electronic sources in the Works-Cited

a specific form for parenthetical (in-text) citations of the sources listed in the Works-Cited

The Works-Cited must include no less than four (4) sources. Those sources must be relevant to the topic and meet minimum academic qualifications.

The acceptable types of sources include the following:

class text

print or electronic book

website with an .edu address

Certain sources do not qualify for Works-Cited. You will penalized if you use them.


standard dictionary or encyclopedia (web or paper)

any website not .edu

For every source listed in the Works-Cited a student must have at least one corresponding parenthetical (in-text) reference.

Papers should contain 1200-1800 words (4-6 pages), not counting headings and Works Cited section.

Paper should be completed by November 22, 2019.

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