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What role does security play during a disaster or humanitarian response?
How is the response/recovery impacted by security concerns?
1) After an occurrence of a disaster, a security team is among the critical group considered in a response process. This is because security is highly needed in regions where emergency or a humanitarian incident has taken place. The security team is one of the groups that arrive at the incident after an occurrence of an event. The team first conducts some investigations to analyze the safety of the area before the response process commences. In most cases, disasters and humanitarian events do not occur without posing warning signs to people (Peace Corps, 2011). This is when various people, especially the Peace Corps, need to prepare security measures. Based on the issue of security during a disaster or a humanitarian event.
The Role of Security during a Disaster or Humanitarian Response
Security is essential during the response to a disaster of the humanitarian issue. One of the roles of security is to enhance the safety of the people living within the affected area (Bossong & Hegemann, 2015). In this case, protection reduces the chances of injury among the people who reside in the area, as well as those who have come to respond to the incident. The second role of security is to improve the effectiveness of operations carried out within the affected area. As people rescue the victims and save the property, they need to be secured to carry out the process effectively. If the security is not sufficient, the response team would be reluctant to rescue the victims and saving the property due to their susceptibility to injury.
Impact of Security Concerns on Response/Recovery
Security concerns are associated with several effects on the response and the recovery process. Security issues are among the aspects that determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the intervention, and the recovery team responds to an incident. If the security issues are prioritized when responding to an event, it implies that the process will be effective since the safety of the volunteers is appropriately considered (Bossong & Hegemann, 2015). However, if there are no security issues prioritized, the response and recovery process may not be effective since there is a high likelihood of the response team to be affected by the incident. Besides, security concerns determine the number of individuals affected during the response period. If there are no security measures, people will continue being injured even during the aftermath of an incident.
Bossong, R., & Hegemann, H. (Eds.). (2015). European Civil Security Governance: Diversity and Cooperation in Crisis and Disaster Management. Springer.
Peace Corps, (2011). Safety and Security Highlight to Help You Prepare for Peace Corps Service.
2) When a disaster strikes a community or during humanitarian response, security plays several roles. One of the key roles is to ensure that the response teams are protected. Usually, when disaster strikes, policing services and security agencies are disabled, and this means that unscrupulous individuals may take advantage of the situation to harm the people and the response teams (International, 2018). As a result, security is critical for humanitarian services to be delivered for those who need them the most. Areas that have been struck by a disaster also tend to have a state of lawlessness.
Aid workers and response teams can easily be targeted since they are unaware of the regions and what comes into place in such lawless places. Providing security thereby ensures that the lives of the response teams are protected. Security is also critical for protecting the supplies that are being transported to those affected. Such supplies cost a fortune and must be protected at all costs.
Response and recovery efforts are impacted in many ways by the security concerns that could be present within a given region that has been hit by a disaster. First, response or recovery takes longer when there are security concerns in the areas that have been affected. Security concerns put the lives of the response teams in danger, and this means that they have to take caution and this slows down the processes that have been put in place to provide the humanitarian services for the affected people (López-Carresi, et al, 2013). Secondly, security concerns increase the cost of recovery or response. Disaster management teams and response teams have to be accompanied by security forces either from the government or from the private sector. Such security is expensive and can have a negative impact on the ability to provide timely humanitarian services to the affected people.
López-Carresi, A., Fordham, M., Wisner, B., Kelman, I., & Gaillard, J. (2013). Disaster Management: International Lessons in Risk Reduction, Response and Recovery. London, England: Routledge.
International, C. (2018, March 21). Role of Safety and Security Management in an Emergency . Retrieved from Care Emergency Toolkit :…