research paper 4 5 pages single spaced you must use 10 sources at a minimum and at least 5 of these must be drawn from peer reviewed journals
Through this class, each of you will be able to delve deeper into ONE ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM of your choice. For this, through the semester, the professor will work with you to develop a formal short paper that will discuss the environmental problem, the politics surrounding the issue (e.g. different actors and power dynamics), and critically discuss the policy solutions (if any) that are in place to address the problem. Goals: 1. To develop an in-depth understanding of an environmental issue that is of interest to you. You may select any environment related topic, but it must be related to the class material in some fashion, and must discuss the issue from a policy or regulation context. Your environmental problem of choice can be local, regional, national or international, and must be linked to specific case studies. 2. Improve your ability to think critically and write effectively on environmental politics and policy issues. Format: Select an environmental issue that is of interest to you. Write a 2000 to 2500 word paper (approx. 4-5pages single-spaced for Undergraduate students) and 4500 to 5000 word paper (approx. 9-10 pages single-spaced for Graduate students); that analyzes your issue and presents findings based on your research. Your paper MUST pose a research question on a topic related to this class – ENVIRONMENT & POLICY. It should also bring evidence to bear on your topic, and using this evidence, you should try to answer your research question. All papers must include the following elements: 1. A descriptive title for the paper that provides a clear understanding of what the paper is about. It could include details of the environmental problem, policy and/or location. 2. An explicit research question stated in the introductory section of your paper 3. Sections or headings organized to answer your research question. Papers should consider the following elements: i. Background: describe the environmental problem, why is this topic important, who are potentially responsible for the problem, who faces adverse effects of the problem, etc. Mention your research question here. ii. Environmental Policy: Overview of the policy(s) relevant to your topic. What components of the policy are relevant to your environmental problem; discuss the
Note: in the background and environmental policy, you must mention what we know from works of other scholars that suggest potential answers to your question policy dynamics surrounding the issue (power relations among different stakeholders), role of advocacy and interest groups etc. iii. Discussion: Analyze the policy in context of its effectiveness in addressing the environmental problem. What are the challenges & obstacles in policy implementation, what are the successful elements of the policy, does the current politics play a role in addressing the problem, do we expect to see a change in regulation in the near future etc. iv. Conclusion: Based on your findings and discussion above, provide a brief conclusion on the effectiveness of the environmental policy in addressing the problem (check to see if you answer your research question). 4. Citations and Sources (you MUST use 10 sources at a minimum, and at least 5 of these must be drawn from peer-reviewed journals). Use parenthetical citations when writing your paper (author, year) and a standard reference list following a common format at the end of your paper. Cite adequately and appropriately according to APA Style. I understand that your discipline may be using a different citation format. Using a different format is permissible, do discuss with me beforehand. 5. Font – Times New Roman, 12-point size, single-spaced with an additional line between paragraphs, and use headings to help organize your paper. Avoid using too many direct quotations in your paper. Too many quotes make a paper look weak and disjointed. Paraphrase and cite properly. Do not plagiarize!! Be VERY careful to cite properly other people’s work.