rhetoric analysis reflection and the rhetoric in practice project 1

1. In this Reflection, you should use at least 600 words (and multiple pieces of visual evidence) to lead your reader through your RA composition and revision process. What assignments best helped you prepare for the RA Essay? Once you began drafting the RA, what was your process, and how did you move between drafts? What types of changes did you make between drafts, and why? (Use the assignment file I uploaded as Second Draft Revision Plan. I need this in 21 hours.)

Throughout this reflection you should be incorporating excerpts of your work (ideally visual artifacts such as screenshots) to make your work visible to the reader, and you should be using your reflection to not just summarize what you’ve done, but to make a convincing argument about how your work and your process prove that you’ve done well with the course skills. You can (and probably should) discuss multiple skills in this response as long as you’re being patient and fully exploring each one.

2. On the horizon lies our next exciting ADVENTURE: the Rhetoric In Practice Project.

Write down one idea for a project and answer the following questions:

  1. Purpose/Message: What purpose do you want to achieve/message do you want to send?
  2. Audience: What SPECIFIC audience do you want to target?
  3. Context: When and where will this imaginary text be released?
  4. How does it relate to our course theme? [theme parks, Disney]
  5. What makes you interested in and passionate about this project idea?
  6. Describe in more detail any thoughts you have about this project and about how you might put it together.

Now, write down FOUR MORE IDEAS for projects. Answer questions 1-6, above, about these new ideas, for a total of five (5) possible RIPs.

3. Final RIP Proposal

Chose one of the idea in the assignment 2 and revise it. Please post your final RIP Proposal here. Be specific and eloquent and discuss the following categories:

Purpose/Message: What is the purpose and/or message of your RIP project?

Audience: Who is the audience?

Context: What context will you be operating within?

BASED ON THE ABOVE, tell me about the following, and maybe tell me briefly about why you’ve made the following decisions!

Genre(s): What genre(s) will it fall under?

Venue: What is the venue?

Ethos: What ethos (persona) will you adopt?

And finally, to show me that this meets the requirements for RIP Projects, answer the following:

Written Text Requirement: Which portions of the project allow it to meet the 1000+ word written text requirement?

Relationship to Course Theme: How is this project strongly related to some of the content we’ve examined in the course so far?

Personal Investment: Why are you personally interested in this project? What about it sparks passion for you?

4. Deepening Your RIP

Choose at least ten of the following 27 questions. Copy/paste them into your response, and beneath each question you choose, provide a carefully considered answer. It can be most helpful to select questions you don’t know the answers to yet, and use them as the starting point for more research and development.


GENRE questions:

1. What genres are you working in, and what do you know about the conventions of these genres?

2. Which conventions that you’ve identified are you purposefully using in your RIP? Which ones are you subverting or going against? Why is this useful for you?

3. Are there conventions of your genre(s) that you purposefully chose not to use at all? Why?

4. Your genre has grown and changed over time. What is the history of your genre and where does your text fit into that history?

RHETOR questions:

5. How are you presenting yourself as a rhetor? Who are you and what does your audience know about you from reading the text (or before they begin reading the text)?

6. What ethos do you choose to adopt as a rhetor here? Describe in detail. Why is this ethos carefully chosen and well-suited to your rhetorical situation?

7. To what extent is your credibility as a rhetor part of your rhetorical appeals, and how do you establish that credibility?

8. If there are multiple rhetors, to what extent is each responsible for the content of the text?

9. As a rhetor, are you making yourself conspicuously visible in the text or are you remaining invisible? Why? Do genre conventions come into play to help determine this?

AUDIENCE questions:

10. Who is the intended audience for the text? Do you have multiple audiences? If you have multiple audiences, is your purpose/message the same for each audience or not? Why?

11. How will your audience find and be attracted to the text in the first place?

12. What have you learned about your audience’s shared concerns, assumptions, and interests? What do you know about them demographically? What stage of life are they in? What can you still stand to find out about them? [You can answer this question once for each audience if you’d like.]

13. If your project is satirical, parodic, or humorous, what audience is that for? Is the satire/parody trying to send a message? What message? How does it do that?

14. What unintended audiences may come across the text? How might they react to it?

CONTEXT questions:

15. Where in the world is this text going to be distributed? When will it be released? Do you imagine that the text was created shortly before release or has it been in production (or in storage) for a while now?

16. At the time this text was produced and/or released, what was going on in the world (or in the specific part of the world where you’ll release the text)? Consider events and aspects of context that may seem completely unrelated to what you’re doing.

17. What cultures or discourse communities is this text aimed at? What cultures or discourse communities is your rhetor a part of at the time they create and distribute the text?

18. What were (or are, or will be) the dominant societal dynamics/hierarchies at the time of the text’s release? How does the text use, challenge, address, or reinforce these dynamics?

19. What were major societal concerns and debates at the time of the text’s release? Especially consider those that might relate to the content of the text. How does the text enter or interface with these debates?


20. What is the purpose of this text? What are other texts that have attempted (or succeeded) in achieving this same purpose? These texts don’t need to be in your genre! What lessons have you taken from their work?

21. What is the message of this text? What are other texts that have attempted (or succeeded) in communicating similar messages? These texts don’t need to be in your genre! What lessons have you taken from their work?

22. Why does the audience of this text NEED to hear this message or have this purpose accomplished for them? What is the demand or urgency for this message/purpose? How do you know? Where does the urgency or demand come from?


23. If your project uses visual multimodality, what genre conventions are at play? Can you find genre-specific sources to inform your use of layout, color, and the interplay of text and image?

24. If your project uses recorded speech, what decisions have you made about vocal tone and pacing?

25. If your project is navigable in a tactile manner (if it is a physical object that can be held), how are you asking your audience to handle or move around that text through subtle rhetorical decisions?

26. If your text is electronically navigable (like a hypertext), how are you using that navigation structure as part of your rhetoric?


27. How are the goals of this project not too easy to accomplish? How is it ambitious and challenging? If it’s not challenging enough yet, how could you complicate the rhetorical situation to create a less simplified task for yourself to accomplish?

I will upload some RIP samples later.