Rio Salado College Cancer Healthy People 2030 Objectives Presentation

For this project, you will need to pick a topic area (Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Social Work, Pharmacy or Dentistry). This is the main part of your presentation for the history, images, and topic details. For the Healthy People 2030 part of the assignment, you need to include a Healthy People 2030 Objective

On the Healthy People 2030 Objectives site you can either then search by category, or enter your topic (Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Social Work, Pharmacy or Dentistry) into the search box, to identify appropriate Objectives. You will then select an Objective that is tied to your topic area.  Include the Objective in your presentation. You will also need to identify an intervention for that Objective. Types of interventions you can use or get ideas from are usually included at the bottom of the Objective you select. The intervention doesn’t need to be in-depth. It needs to include a strategy, idea, action or one of your insights regarding a specific intervention to address the Objective.

Create your presentation using one (1) of the topics listed below, and an historical icon who influenced that field. (examples of historical icons can be found at the bottom of the page):

  • Medicine
  • Nursing
  • Nutrition
  • Social Work
  • Pharmacy
  • Dentistry