S1 – 6.03 Disunion: Grade Assignment

Graded Assignment
Preface of a Civil War
Follow the directions in the Preface of a Civil War online activity.
Total score: ____ of 100 points
(Score for Question 1: ___ of 100 points)
In the Preface of a Civil War online activity, you were asked to create a slide presentation that shows and explains the events leading up to the Civil War.
After you have finished the Preface of a Civil War online activity, copy each slide you created by using the Print Screen on the keyboard. Then paste each slide into this sheet and then submit it for a grade.

Note: This assignment needed to be reset because I am looking for you to edit the slides provided for each event and submit that activity. This assignment needed to be reset because it was not the correct assignment. I am looking for you to edit the slides and submit them.