Saint Marys University of Minnesota Microbe Discussion
Here is a great introduction to the amazing relationship between us and our microbial companions.
Our bodies are covered in a sea of microbes — both the pathogens that make us sick and the “good” microbes, about which we know less, that might be keeping us healthy. Microbiologist Jonathan Eisen shares what we know, including some surprising ways to put those good microbes to work. (Links to an external site.)
Here are some thoughts and questions to stimulate quality conversation with your peers:
What did you learn from this video? Take a moment to ponder the complexity of you and the world around you. How will it change the way that you live your life?
Did the video that you watched give you a new appreciation for the material you are going to learn this semester? Were you surprised to learn that we are not just ‘only’ human?
The only way that you will earn credit for your weekly discussion board posts is to write MEANINGFUL posts. You will not receive credit for short little blurbs like “I totally agree with you” or “good point”.
To earn full credit each week you must respond to the weekly discussion board post AND reply to at least one of your classmates. Again, make sure that your primary response and your response to your classmate(s) are meaningful. Explain why you agree (or disagree) and engage in real discussion about the weekly topic.
NOTE: Be sure to look for the extra resources that I share in the discussion itself. I try to find as much interesting stuff as I can to quench your educational “thirst”