Skyline College ?Nutritional Challenges among Patients Paper
I need support with this Health & Medical question so I can learn better.
A- Focused on nutritional problems, write three (3) nursing interventions for each of the following conditions (NIC):
Renal insufficiency
Crohn’s disease
B- Explain the different diets, their advantages and disadvantages
Vegetarian diet
Therapeutic diet
Zone Diet
Mediterranean diet
-Present an introduction that serves as a preamble to the content of what will be presented.
-Write coding according to NIC, Apply in your interventions the theory of Imogene King.
Example: (128001) Adjust the diet to the patient’s lifestyle and activity level, According to Imogene M. King: care / nursing, help the patient to maintain their proper nutritional health by achieving their role
– Make a brief conclusion that shows the benefits obtained as a nursing professional through this work .- = Present at least five references referring to the scientific background.