SOC 120 SCSU Sociology Question

This paper will be similar in structure to the mini research paper, only longer .  You may select any topic of interest to you, but you must construct a sociological, explanatory thesis using concepts or theories covered in class.  In the paper you must also discuss how Durkheim’s theory on solidarity, Marx’s theory on capitalism, and/or Weber’s theory on rationality and bureaucracy are relevant to your topic and thesis (and you of course are encouraged to use any of those theories in your thesis statement as well).  None of these theories are covered in great depth in the textbook, so you will have to make sure you keep up with all of the lectures in order to really integrate any of these theories properly in your paper.  You are expected to integrate other theories and concepts from class into this paper.  Like the mini research paper, this must be well written, in APA format.  If you need help with your writing, come in and talk with me and/or visit the Writing Center on campus. A sample outline and sample paper are offered on Canvas.  Similar to the mini research papers, the outline does not have to be followed and the sample paper is not perfect, but they give an idea of what I am generally looking for in terms of integrating theory with real world examples on a topic of interest to you.  Like the syllabus explains, the audience for this paper is the entire world, not just the professor.  Write in a formal manner (e.g. write the paper as if you are making an argument, not as if you are trying to address an assignment’s requirements), avoid slang and conversational prose, and clearly define concepts that are introduced.  This will likely be 5-8 pages long.  The grading rubrics for this assignment are as follows:

90-100 points: The student clearly defines the topic of the paper and then provides a clear thesis statement.  The thesis statement is an explanatory statement based on sociological theory and the examples the student uses.  The student clearly understands and applies the sociological theory used in the paper.  The student offers clear and detailed examples to defend the paper’s thesis statement.  The conclusions drawn are reasonable and do not try to say anything that is not defended by both sociological theory and examples given.  The paper is well written, without grammatical, stylistic, or structural errors that make it difficult to understand.

80-89 points: The student clearly defines the topic of the paper.  The thesis statement is an explanatory statement but is not clearly based sociological theory.  The student offers clear and detailed examples to defend the paper’s thesis statement, but some of the examples presented either digress from the thesis statement or contradict the thesis statement. The student vaguely understands and applies the sociological theory used in the paper.   The conclusions drawn are reasonable and do not try to say anything that is not defended by both sociological theory and examples given.  The paper is well written but has a few grammatical, stylistic, or structural errors that make it difficult to understand.

70-79 points: The student clearly defines the topic of the paper.  The thesis statement is unclear, but one is provided.  The student connects real world examples to the paper’s thesis statement, but the examples lack detail and clarity (and the connections between the thesis and examples are unclear).  The student introduces a sociological concept or theory, but it is not clear that he/she knows what that concept means or how to apply it to his/her topic.  The conclusions drawn are vague and are not clearly defended by sociological theory or his/her examples.  The paper is well written but has a few grammatical, stylistic, or structural errors that make it difficult to understand.

60-69 points: The student does not clearly define the topic of the paper.  The thesis statement is unclear, but one is provided.  The student provides vague and seemingly irrelevant examples.  The student seems to be merely making value judgments about what he/she thinks is good or bad about society.  The student does not integrate any sociological concepts or theories, but does seem to pursue a sociological argument of some sort.  The conclusions drawn are vague and not clearly defended by sociological theory or his/her examples.  The paper has many grammatical, stylistic, or structural errors that make it difficult to understand.

59 points or less: The paper is illegible or major components are left out.

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