Sociology Art History Case Study

H5 Case Study essay  – i need you to come up with the idea for this essay as we have a peer review for our essay for H5 next week here is the assignment please do not start it i just need you to come up with your idea for the essay and a clear layed out outline with notes about what you’re going to talk about in this essay:

H5 Assignment details: The goal of this assignment is to apply sociological thinking to a contemporary issue, using the five paired concepts we learned about this semester to a contemporary social issue.

The product should be a 5-7 page paper, double spaced, and fully referenced that develops your essay.

The task:

1.     Choose a social conflict, a social event, or a social process. Make sure the case you choose is in the public domain. This means that it is available to research or common knowledge, like the case studies in the textbook suck as the Kaepernick football protest, the national anthem, the use of Facebook. Please do not replicate a case-study from the textbook.

2.     Describe your case. Be sure to make your case concrete enough so that you can present sources to describe the case. In your view, what is the case about?

3.     Use the five paired concepts we learned about this semester — Solidarity and Conflict, Power and Resistance, Privilege and Inequality, Local and Global, and Structure and Contingency — to explore and analyze the case.  What is your argument/thesis? Does a sociological perspective help you understand elements of the case that may not be otherwise evident?  A good analysis illuminates the concept pair and also the social thing being analyzed. If you have questions about the appropriateness of your topic, please email or come and see me in office hours. 


Clarity and quality of the argument
Is the major contention of the essay clearly stated? Is the case-study clearly described? Is the argument more than cliché? Is the argument developed in a sustained way throughout the essay? Does the essay make compelling comparisons to relevant events or other sources? (5)

Organization and logic
Is the essay well organized with identifiable sections? Does the essay display a clear analytical structure where one point in the exposition clearly linked to the next? Are transitions between points smooth and logical? Does the essay identify central points and omit extraneous or secondary material? (5) 

Sociological grasp
In general, does the essay indicate a solid grounding in sociological concepts and ideas from the course? Are the contents (i.e., examples and evidence) relevant to the argument? Are sociological concepts, and especially the paired concepts, defined clearly? Is technical language used appropriately (avoid too much jargon). Are claims about the text or a social object supported with evidence or simply presented as opinion? Does the essay use empirical evidence and/or quotations in a skillful way to support its case?   (5)

Technical grasp
Is language used in a nuanced way to make the argument? is expression clear, fluid and persuasive? Is the writing grammatically correct? Does writing follow the standards of edited standard written English (ESWE)? Are in-text references made to support points? Is there a complete bibliography? Was the case-study submitted on time to the Moodle? (5)



The next part of our final paper sequence is giving a short (ca. 5 minute) presentation about your project-in-progress to your colleagues. Despite a common set of prompts and some overlap in the evidence, we’re all working on very different projects. It will be fun to see all the different takes you’ve had on the course material! On a practical level, preparing a presentation like this is also a great next step in the planning and research process.

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