stimuli sensitive layer by layer

I’ll be presenting this article “Stimuli-sensitive layer-by-layer (LbL) self-assembly systems: Targeting and biosensory applications”.

I’d like to have a summary of this article. I want this summary to include each of the following please

1)Biosensory applications of LbL systems mainly include enzyme biosensors, immunosensors, DNA sensors, protein and nucleic acid sensors,

In this part I’d like to have a paragraph of each sensors that differentiate between each one of them. 

  • 2)Content 2 of the article is titled with Insights into LbL technology. 

In this part I’d like to have a short paragraph of each scientist and what work and suggestion he explained and discovered. 

  1. i.Iller, Decher, Keller, Qiu et al., Sukhishvili, Iremerel-unal and Sukhishvili
  • 3)The third content of this article is Mechanisms of LbL self assembly. The formation of LBL systems are attributed to electrostatic interactions, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interactions and van der Waals forces

In this part I’d like to have a paragraph of each interaction with a differentiation between each one of them in the formation of LBL systems. 

4)The fourth content is Advances in LbL technology. These advances include

  1. Core sacrificial method

Ultrasonic encapsulation of insoluble core

  • Dissolution assisted by co-solvent followed by nucleation                                                                                              In this part I’d like to have a paragraph of each advantage with a differentiation of each advantage like which one is best.
  • 5)The fifth content in this article is 5. Exogenous stimuli-responsive LbL systems. These systems include        Magneto-responsive LbL systems, Ultrasound-responsive LbL systems, Electrically responsive LbL systems                     In this part I’d like to have a paragraph of each system. With a differentiation of each system like which one would work better and best.

6)The sixth content is Endogenous stimuli-responsive LbL systems. These include 

Enzyme-responsive LbL systems

  1. i.Oxyreductase-responsive LbL systems
  • ii.Nonoxyreductase-responsive LbL systems

Glucose-responsive LbL systems

Antigen-responsive LbL systems

  1. pH-responsive LbL systems
  2. Lectin-responsive LbL systems
  3. Folate receptor-responsive LbL systems
  • Biotin-conjugates-responsive LbL systems

In this part I’d like to have a paragraph of each system with a differentiation of each system like which one would work better for the LBL system.  FILLER TEXT