Stock-flow housing model


Mike Pogodzinski

Spring 2020


INSTRUCTIONS:  Complete the certification below. Answer the designated number of questions in each part of the exam.  You can use your textbooks and other sources.  You cannot consult with others about your answers.  If you have questions about the exam, you can ask me via email or via Zoom. You should type your answers directly into the exam document. Return your completed exams and any supporting materials (graphs, tables, etc.) by email to by 11:59pm Sunday, May 17, 2020.


SOURCES:  If you rely on sources other than the textbooks for the course, you must give complete bibliographic citations and follow appropriate methods for quoting or paraphrasing sources.


FILE NAMING CONVENTION:  When you email your file, follow the file naming convention:  LastName_FirstInitial_Exam_1.doc (E.g., Smith_J_Exam_1.doc).


CERTIFICATION:  I have not received unauthorized assistance in completing this exam. _________(mark with X)


NAME: ___________________________________


PART A: Answer any 5 of the questions A.1 – A.7. Do not answer additional questions. This part is worth 15% of the exam.


Briefly define and give a specific example of:


A.1. Housing tenure

A.2. Stock-flow housing model

A.3. Rent control

A.4. The Big Sort

A.5. Mortgage interest deduction

A.6. Incidence and supply elasticity

A.7. Housing market GSEs


PART B: Answer any 3 of the questions B.1 – B.5. Do not answer additional questions. This part is worth 30% of the exam.


B.1. Why, according to Brueckner, do some people rent housing and others own housing?


B.2. Compare the degree to which individual utility is increased vs. slums reduced for the following housing subsidy programs: IG, HV, PRS, and PH.


B.3. Why, according to Brueckner, is there a misallocation of housing under rent control?


B.4. According to Brueckner, are renters more likely to abuse property than owners?


B.5. Briefly explain Glaeser and Gyourko’s assessment of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.


PART C: Answer only 1 of the questions C.1 – C.3. Do not answer additional questions. This part is worth 55% of the exam.


C.1. Richard Florida describes “The Big Sort.” What forces propel this sorting? What are the implications of the Big Sort?


C.2. Brueckner describes a choice model of homelessness and policies to address homelessness. In particular, he says that well-meaning policies like minimum dwelling size can backfire.  How can this happen?


C.3. Glaeser and Gyourko say that the mortgage interest deduction does not make good policy. Why, according to them, is this the case?