SU Management Consulting Project Report

While interviewing an executive director, one of your tasks is to collect detailed information on a problem currently facing that administrator and the organization (or a specific organizational program).  This can be the same administrator you used in the Interview assignment or another one.

I uploaded the word document of the interview I did with the administrator for my last assignement please use the info provided if needed 

Note: Review the Administrator Interview Assignment before you begin!

Develop a consulting report which is no more than 8 pages in length designed to help the agency deal with an identified problem (the action plan may be attached as an appendix). Example problems might be board member / staff relations, lack of a sufficient funding base, managing remote staff, staff retention, conflict between workers from different membership groups, or  staff burnout related to secondary trauma. Taking the role of a management consultant, write a paper which addresses that specific agency problem.

Your report should include the following:

A brief description of the organization including the organizational context (relevant ecological features – community / environmental systems), the organizational mission and structure, and the organization’s operating “theory.”

A personal statement of your own view of organizations and operating theory that will likely guide your assessment and recommendations.

A report on the basic information and assessment of the identified problem using data and input from the agency administrator or manager(s), and several workers and clients. Describe the organizational program(s) most effected by the problematic conditions or processes. Include a concise summary of the stated problem as well as your personal assessment of the problem (they may or may not match) identifying cultural and justice issues salient to the problem condition.

A review of the research literature (three to five studies) addressing the evidence-informed, best practices related to this problem and the optimal solution(s).

A summary of four or more practical recommendations for the organization to implement based on the data and literature.

A one-page action plan for the administrator / program manager to follow in order to implement your recommendations.

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