SYG 2000 Galen College of Nursing Introduction to Sociology Reflection on Gender Roles Paper

Active participation in this class is a must. A large part of your final grade will be based on the weekly

reflection assignments. You should post thoughtful replies that answer all prompts by the due date. You need not reply to classmates’ posts in the reflection assignment. You should use at least one source to support your statements and cite this source using in-text citation and listing the complete reference at the end of your post in accordance to APA guidelines. Please note that you will be evaluated on the quality of your participation in class.

Make sure you write in paragraph format with complete sentences. These are not fill in the blank or point form responses.

  1. How is does childhood play influence the process of learning gender roles? Give two examples of gender specific toys and explain how having them labeled as “boy toys” or “girl toys” will deter children from the opposite sex from playing with them. What will children miss out on by not being exposed to those opposite sex toys? Lastly, use one of the major sociological perspective to explain if you think stores should continue to label areas as “Boys. Toys” and “Girls’ Toys”.
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