SYP 3000 USF The Last Lines of Carol Anshaws Aquamarine Questions

The very real possibility of living a parallel life 

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This assignment should take you 5-6 hours to complete

Always read through the entire assignment before you start at least once

So … this could have happened after Jesse Austin won silver in the 1968 Olympics

01. .025 points, At least 10 words > Read Part 1 of Carol Anshaw’s Aquamarine (1992) here, which contains a part titled “Freestyle” and a part titled “Skywriter” and just describe how Jesse’s body physically changes between 1968 and 1990. Your answer only needs to be 10 words but there really is only one way to answer this question correctly, so be sure to explain and defend your response. You also might want to scroll down and read through the rest of the questions up until Q07 on this assignment, since it can give you a hint of what else to look out for when reading this part of Aquamarine.

02. .025 points, At least 10 words > What does Jesse mean when she says that her brother Willie’s retardation is “something that wraps and suppresses him” and “muffles the real Willie inside.” To get credit for your answer you need to show that you understand what this passage means in the context of Part 1 of Carol Anshaw’s Aquamarine (1992) assigned for Q01, so be sure to explain and defend your response. You don’t need more than 10 words to answer, but as with Q01, there is a correct answer to this question, based on the text.


03. .025 points, At least 10 words > If Sylvie and Walter have driven through New Jerusalem, Missouri on their way to Las Vegas would it have been possible for them to go and get a scalp treatment at Hallie’s parlor? Sylvie and Walter first came up in our course here on A10 and Hallie is Jesse’s godmother in Part 1 of Aquamarine (1992).

04. .025 points, At least 10 words > Is Alice’s lover, who is moving to New Jersuleum from Kansas City, a man or a woman, do you think? Alice is the chef that Jesse sells a house to and goes swimming with in Part 1 of Aquamarine (1992) by Carol Anshaw, assigned for Q01, and her lover’s name is “Jordan.”

05. .05 points, At least 10 words, Note the point value change > Did social psychologists trained in Freudian theory consider homosexuality to be a mental and social pathology during the time period that Part 1 of Aquamarine by Carol Anshaw, assigned for Q01, was set? There is only one correct answer to this question and if you need help figuring it out, click back to A05.

06. .05 points, At least 35 words, Note the word count change > So do you like this Marty Finch based on Part 1 of Aquamarine (1992) by Carol Anshaw, assigned for Q01? Post your answer to this discussion board; respond to at least one other post; and as your answer to this question, just let me know that you did all that. Your first post needs to be at least 25 words and then your response to someone else’s post at least 10 words.

07. .05 points, At least 10 words > Based on the final passage of Part 1 of Aquamarine (1992) by Carol Anshaw, do you think Neal suspected Jesse of cheating on him (with Wayne)? Be sure to explain and defend your response.


And … this also could have happened after Jesse Austin won the silver in the 1968 Olympics

08. .05 points, At least 10 words > Read Part 2 of Carol Anshaw’s Aquamarine (1992) here, which contains just one section titled “Old Souls.” Take note that it is set at exactly the same time as the section titled “Skywriter” in Part 1, only it is set in a different place. In which Part, 1 or 2, does Jesse attend her mother’s retirement party? There is only one possible correct answer to this question. You also might want to scroll down and read through the rest of the questions on this assignment up until Q14, since it can give you a hint of what else to look out for when reading this part of Aquamarine.



09. .05 points, A list of 3 things, Each thing needs to be at least 10 words > List and describe 3 things about Jesse Austin’s life that are exactly the same in both her first possible life and her second possible life. For example, in her first possible life, Part 1 of Aquamarine (1992), the section titled “Skywriter,” Jesse has a not-so-great relationship with her mother, and the same is true in her second possible life, Part 2 of Aquamarine (1992), the section titled “Old Souls.” Make sure you list 3 specific things and describe each one of them using at least 10 words for each. And be careful! If you don’t read Parts 1 and 2 of Aquamarine (1992) carefully, it will be easy to make a mistake! There are a few possible “correct answers to this question” depending on how you decide to answer it.

10. .05 points, At least 25 words, Note the word count change > In Jesse’s first possible life, Part 1 of Aquamarine (1992), “Skywriter,” she never leaves her hometown. In her second possible life, she does. Now, according to Welcome to Pinepoint (2011), assigned on A13 and archived hereLinks to an external site., how and why does a person’s hometown affect their identity, whether they stay forever in that hometown or not? Be sure to explain and defend your response by showing that you know only have a good understanding of Parts 1 and 2 of Aquamarine (1992), but also Welcome to Pinepoint (2011).

11. .05 points, At least 25 words > Jesse comes within physical proximity of both Neal and Wayne in Part 2 of Aquamarine (1992) by Carol Anshaw, but Neal is not her husband and Wayne is not her secret boyfriend like they were in Part 1. Who are they Part 2? That is, how do they come up? This is kind of a tricky question, so I posted some hints below.



12. .05 points, At least 10 words, Note the word count change > Now, in both Part 1 of Aquamarine (1992) by Carol Anshaw, archived here, and Part 2, archived here, there is a TV soap opera called M.D./R.N that comes up. How does Jesse’s relationship with this TV show change between Part 1 and Part 2? Like with so many questions on this assignment, there is a right answer to this question, so be sure to explain and defend your response.

13. .05 points, At least 10 words, Note the word count change > OMG. How and why does the novel Lolita (1958) come up in Part 2 of Aquamarine (1992) by Carol Anshaw? I don’t know if you know this but covered Lolita (1958) in this course 😉 starting here.


14. .05 points, At least 45 words, Note the word count change > How are Jesse’s Me and I, (or what De Beauvoir would call Jesse’s Situation and Choice), different in her first possible life than in her second possible life, i.e., “Skywriter” versus “Old Souls?” I introduced the Me and the I in A15 Part 1. You need to show you know the difference between the Me parts of a person’s identity and their I in order to get credit for this answer, as well as offer specific details on how Jesse’s Me and I change depending on the life she is living. Be sure to make your answer at least 45 words and be sure to explain and defend your response.

15. .05 points, At least 25 words, Note the word count change > What does Rhonda’s burned hand in Part 1 of Aquamarine (1992), “Skywriter” and the way Kit burned her hand in Part 2 of Aquamarine (1992), “Old Souls,” teach us about the exact timing of Jesse’s first possible life and second possible life? Rhonda is a character on the soap opera M.D./R.N. and Kit is the actress that plays her. Be sure to explain and defend your response.

16. .05 points, At least 35 words, Note the word count change > So do you like this Marty Finch based on Part 2 of Aquamarine (1992)? Not Part 1! That is what I asked you for Q06. Remember this discussion board? This question is about Part 2. We get more information about Marty in Part 2 and you need to reference that information when formulating your response. Post your answer to this discussion board; respond to at least one other post; and as your answer to this question, just let me know that you did all that. Your first post needs to be at least 25 words and then your response to someone else’s post at least 10 words.

And … this could also have happened after Jesse Austin won silver in the 1968 Olympics

17. .05 points, At least 25 words > Read Part 3 of Carol Anshaw’s Aquamarine (1992) here, which contains two sections titled “6s & 7s & 9s” and “Sandgate.” Take note that the section titled “6s & 7s & 9s” is set at exactly the same time as the section titled “Skywriter” in Part 1, and Part 2, “Old Souls,” only it is set in a different place, Venus Beach, Florida, (as opposed to New Jerusalem, Missouri or New York City). How does the state of Florida come up in Part 1 and Part 2 of Aquamarine (1992)? There is only one answer to this question so be careful! You also might want to scroll down and read through the rest of the questions on this assignment up until Q25, since it can give you a hint of what else to look out for when reading this part of Aquamarine.

18. .05 points, At least 25 words > In the third version of Jesse’s possible lives, the part of Carol Anshaw’s Aquamarine titled “6s & 7s & 9s,” how does Jesse’s mother’s retirement party come up, see Q08. There is only one possible correct answer to this question.

19. .05 points, At least 25 words > In Part 3 of Carol Anshaw’s Aquamarine (1992), we hear more about the story of how Jesse got her scar. How does this information help inform us about Hallie’s sexual identity? Hallie is Jesse’s godmother.

20. .05 points, A list, Note the word count change > How and why do apricots come up in each one of Jesse’s three possible lives, i.e., how do apricots come up in Parts, 1, 2, and 3 of Aquamarine (1992)?

21. .05 points, At least 45 words, Note the word count change > In two of the three possible lives Jesse Austin has after the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, she becomes or already is a mother. How does being a mother directly affect the circumstances of her life? This answer needs to be at least 45 words since you need to specifically reference each one of Jesse’s possible lives, which means specifically referencing “Skywriter,” “Old Souls” and “6s & 7s & 9s,” I.e., Parts 1, 2 and 3 of Carol Anshaw’s Aquamarine (1992).

22. .05 points, At least 45 words, Note the word count change > There are two African American characters in Carol Anshaw’s Aquamarine (1992).

  • How does Jesse know them?
  • Which versions of her life do they come up in?
  • And do they serve the same narrative purpose, i.e., what is the point of these two characters?

Be sure to explain and defend your response.

23. .05 points, At least 10 words, Note the word count change > How and why does the character of Rhonda from the soap opera M.D./R.N come up in Part 3 of Carol Anshaw’s Aquamarine (1992), “6s & 7s & 9s.”

24. .05 points, At least 35 words, Note the word count change > Which one of Jesse Austin’s three lives is her “best life” and why?

  • “Skywriter” – Settles into her hometown with her beloved brother and a very nice guy and her baby daughter with her beloved godmother nearby, but often feels unchallenged and/or bored as a human; In this life, her identity as a paid worker is in running a business with her husband
  • “Old Souls” – Settles into a place different than her hometown where she has a good job and a romantic/sexual partner she deeply loves and is excited by and where she is planning to make space to care for her beloved brother; In this life, her identity as a paid worker is as a university professor, however, she is living a little above her means since her romantic/sexual/live-in partner makes more money than she does
  • “6s & 7s & 9s” – Settles into a place different than her hometown where she has an okay but kind of financially shaky job she likes well enough with her two teenaged kids, a great boyfriend, friends, and her beloved godmother nearby; In this life, her identity as a paid worker is in running a business she originally got into with her now former husband, who was significantly older and had more economic resources than her when they first met.

Post your answer to this discussion board; respond to at least one other post; and then as your answer to this question, just let me know you did all this. Your first post needs to be at least 25 words and then your response to someone else’s post at least 10 words.

25. .05 points, At least 25 words, Note the word count change > Explain the title of Carol Anshaw’s Aquamarine (1992). What does “aquamarine” mean in the context of this book? Be careful answering this, because the meaning changes a little between Parts 1, 2, and 3, but there is really only one way to answer this question.

Back to human cloning

26. .05 points, At least 25 words > In the Epilogue to Carol Anshaw’s Aquamarine (1992), that part titled “Sandgate,” Jesse travels to Australia, in order to be able to come face to face with Marty Finch again. It is set 22 years since her first encounter with Marty at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City and five months since each one of her three possible lives since the Olympics. Name and describe one thing from each one of Jesse’s three possible lives that she left behind to go and see Marty in person again. Be sure to explain and defend your response.






27. .05 points, At least 35 words, Note the word count change > What do the last few lines of Carol Anshaw’s Aquamarine (1992) mean? I.e., Jesse “waits” and “wants” to hear “Marty’s lies?” Post your answer to this discussion board; respond to at least one other posting; and then as your answer to this question, just let me know you did all that. Write at least 25 words for your initial post and then at least 10 for your required response to someone else.

Last lines.png

28. .05 points, At least 25 words, Note the word count change > Which idea do you feel more emotionally comfortable with:

  • The possibility that all of us have parallel lives happening right now
    • This very minute you are reading this
    • That we missed because of an Existential Choice we made
    • At the behest of our Symbolic Interactionist I or Freudian id?
  • Or that human cloning is possible by guys like Dr. Jelliff?

You remember Dr. Jelliff don’t you? Want a cookie children?  

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