Technological Transformations – W5 assignment help
Please select one of the prompts below and write your initial response to it. Your response needs to be at least 2 solid paragraphs and offer detail and analysis. Then, select three students (preferably those who have selected different prompts) and respond to them with at least one solid paragraph per response. You will then need to respond to the follow up question posed by the instructor. Your weekly post total should be FIVE by Sunday at midnight in order to get full credit.
- How did the Industrial Revolution transform people’s daily lives? Be sure to include sanitation and labor.
- How do Burke and Hare illustrate the changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution?
- The following quote from Jaques Barzun’s From Dawn to Decadence addresses the railroad. Discuss the impact of the railroad on daily lives or on the Industrial Revolution. In what ways did locomotion create a technological transformation for humanity as a whole – at least in the areas where it existed?
- “At first, machinery affected only those who organized its use and the men and women who worked in factories. But by 1830 a different type of machine came into being that changed the life and the minds of all peoples. The memory of it is nearly gone, but it was the completest change in human experience since the nomadic tribes became rooted in one spot to grow grain and raise cattle; it was in effect a reversal of that settling down. Locomotion by the force of steam, the railroad, uprooted mankind and made of it individual nomads again.” (Jacques Barzun, From Dawn to Decadence: 1500 to the Present: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life (New York: HarperCollins, 2000), 539)