The Human Genome Project

BIOL 1010 – Assignment #3 BIOL 1010 – Assignment #3 The Human Genome Project Background The Human Genome Project (HGP) began in 1990, with a working draft of the human genome released in 2000, and a complete genome in 2003. The main objective was to determine DNA sequence of the human genome, and to identify and map the approximately 20,000–25,000 genes. Assignment In this assignment, you will write a feature article about the Human Genome Project. Feature articles are found in newspapers and magazines. Your feature article can be structured as a story, but remember it is non-fiction. You can be creative, but make sure your facts are accurate, and referenced. At a minimum, you should try to address the following points, but you can discuss additional aspects of the HGP: • the human genome project, its history and its development. • Three pros and three cons of the Human Genome Project • how the human genome project will help us understand our species, and other species • how DNA sequences show us that we share common ancestors with other organisms • current and future applications of the HGP • how is the Human Genome Project affecting medicine today? • what does the HGP hold for the future? • ethical implications of the HGP • a conclusion that states whether you think the Human Genome Project has been overall positive or negative for humanity. Format • Your report should be a minimum of three (3) pages and a maximum of five(5) single-sided pages, not including references or a title page. • Use the APA style guide to format your references (see the APA Style Guide on the BIOL 1010 cuLearn page) • Print must be double-spaced, with 1 inch margins all around. • Type size must be no smaller than 12 points. • Submit as an Adobe .pdf or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx file) document through the cuLearn Assignment page. Page 1 of 2 BIOL 1010 – Assignment #3 • • DO NOT just cut and paste text from the internet. This is considered Academic Dishonesty, and is easily detected. If you do this, you will have to go see the Dean (not a good thing). No more than 10% of the text in your assignment should be direct quotes. So DO NOT just cut and past text, and put quotation marks around it to make more than 10% of your assignment. You need to write the assignment in your own words. Make sure to look at the Rubric, and check that you have met all the requirements. At a minimum, your report should include, the following information: Here is a check list. But also look at the Rubric. Is the title informative and appropriate? Is the format correct? (font, spacing, margins) Is the information used up to date? Does the paper present three pros? Does the paper present three cons? Does the paper exhibit an understanding of the material? Were coherent, logical, well supported arguments presented in the paper? Is there evidence of independent thought and judgment in discussing the issues? References [including URLs if you use websites]. Did you follow the APA Style Guide for referencing? Is the pape r readable? Are spelling, and grammar correct? Does the paper state a conclusion about the Human Genome Project? ✓ BIOL 1010 – Assignment #3 The Human Genome Project Title: Student Name: Introduction & Literature Review MISSING (0 Points) Introduction and/or background not provided. IMPROVEMENT NEEDED (1 Point) Provides an introduction and background that is irrelevant to the topic. Pros and Cons Presents no pros or cons. Presents only pros or only cons, but not both. Significance Significance of the Human Genome Project is not articulated. Presents significance of the Human Genome Project in the form of a weak, unstructured argument. No conclusions articulated about the Human Genome Project. Provides conclusions about the Human Genome Project, but no concrete evidence in the form of examples. Serious style and grammar flaws. (7 or more errors) Fails to use acceptable style and grammar. (5 to 6 errors) Argument Structure Writing Technique ADEQUATE (2 Points) Provides an introduction and background that is only somewhat relevant to the topic. Presents pros and cons, but with no examples. GOOD (3 Points) Provides a good introduction and background, but missing a few key points. Presents less than 3 pros and 3 cons. EXEMPLARY (4 Points) Provides a clear and thorough introduction and background relevant to the topic. Shows some effort to present the significance the Human Genome Project in the form of a wellstructured argument. Provides conclusions about the Human Genome Project, but weak evidence, i.e. no specific (only generalized) examples to support the conclusions. Uses adequate style and grammar. (3 to 4 errors) Presents significance of the Human Genome Project in a somewhat structured, logical argument, but missing key elements. Provides conclusions about the Human Genome Project, but mediocre evidence (generic examples). Presents significance of the Human Genome Project in the form of a well- structured, logical argument. Clearly presents 3 pros and 3 cons (or more) of the Human Genome Project, with examples. Provides strong, clear, convincing conclusions about the Human Genome Project with evidence, i.e. relevant examples to support the conclusions. Uses good style and Uses excellent style grammar. and grammar. (1 to 2 errors) (0 errors) TOTAL (20 Possible Points) SCOR