The Parthenon and Statue of Athena Parthenos Discussion Question

no plagiarism, 2-3 paragraphs

Instructions for your main post: During the fifth century BC, Athens and Sparta were arguably the two most powerful Greek poleis (city-states). But while few primary sources survive from Sparta, the Athenians’ love of public documentation in a variety of media has left us with an abundance of written and archaeological sources. Using at least THREE of the material sources above, write a 2-3 paragraph main post describing your reaction to the city of Athens and your experience living in the city or visiting it from the perspective of ONE of the following individuals:

  • A leading Athenian statesman (you can be Pericles himself, if you’d like!)
  • A merchant who is an Athenian citizen
  • A merchant who is a citizen of another Greek city-state, and is visiting Athens for business
  • A poor Athenian resident
  • A foreign vase-painter living and practicing his trade in Athens
  • An Athenian citizen’s wife
  • A slave of an Athenian citizen
  • An Athenian farmer living in one of the villages outside the city walls
  • A confused Spartan citizen in town for a diplomatic mission