The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR Q)

The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR Q) is a screening tool to determine if a person should check with his or her doctor prior to completing an exercise program.   To begin, take the PAR-Q  assessment.
If you are cleared to complete an exercise activity, assess one component of your own physical wellness by completing the Assessment Activity 3-1: The Rockport Fitness Walking Test, located on page 99 of your course textbook.  Look at the results charts in your textbook and determine your fitness level.  Continue with your video journal by answering the following questions:

  • Why is it important      to complete a readiness assessment prior to starting an exercise program?
  • Why is it important      to assess your beginning fitness level?
  • What were your      results?
  • How did your      results compare to other individuals within your age range?
  • Were you happy with      these results?  Why or why not?
  • Whether you were      happy with your results or not, identify three ways you could improve your      results?
  • How does the      lifestyle factor of physical fitness affect overall health and wellness?
  • How do these      results relate back to your physical wellness results from Week One?
  • Which other      dimensions of wellness does physical wellness affect and how?

Your journal should be two to five minutes in duration.  Review the YouTube Webcam Quick-Start Guide on how to create a YouTube account and create a YouTube video journal.  Submit a one-page Word document that contains the URL to your YouTube video journal by Day 7.  If you are unable to complete this assessment, please contact your instructor before Day 3.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your journal entries.