the results of the analysis to non technical decision makers 0 plagiarism and free from articulation grammar errors

Chapter 22 presented a case study in creating value from uncertainty, and chapter 25 presents the use of efficient frontier analysis in SRM. Assume you are the project lead for the analysis team that uses Efficient Frontier Analysis to evaluate the risks of the portfolio presented in chapter 25. How would you explain the results of the analysis to non-technical decision-makers?

Please NOTE: These are NOT meant to be research papers but rather somewhat informal dialogue. However, if you paraphrase or directly quote a resource, then cite it properly using APA 6th. Atleast 2 refereances. – Chapter 22

Read the textbook Chapter 22: JAA Inc. – A Case Study in Creating Value from Uncertainty: Best Practices in Managing Risk – Chapter 25

Read Chapter 25 “Uses of Efficient Frontier Analysis in Strategic Risk Management: A Technical Examination”