The Search for Social Patterns: Political Ideology

This exercise will indicate where you fall in a political ideology typology developed by the Pew Research Center and have you think about the differences between the groups identified, the social factors that have affected others and your political stance, and the potential consequences that might follow when it comes to thinking about social problems.

Complete the Pew research Center’s Political Typology Quiz. After completing the quiz you will be placed in one of 9 different groups, given a brief description of the general beliefs and attitudes of those in your category and shown how you compare to the general public.

1. Describe the typology group you have been placed in. Who did they support in the last presidential election? What are some of their social background characteristics? What positions do they typically take on key issues? How does this compare with the general public? Are your test results consistent with your self-identification? If not, how do you account for the differences?

2. Next, you will explore the differences between the views of members of the various typology groups by clicking on “Dig Deeper and see How the Political Typology Groups Compare.” First, click on “Demographics” which is located near the bottom of the column on the left-hand side of the page. Explore how the various typological groups compare when it comes to gender, age, race/ethnicity, education, income, and party. What three patterns seemed to fit well with your understanding of the political differences between these different categories of people? What three patterned differences surprised you – and tell me why? Next, choose two other categories that are listed – Race, Religion and Social Issues, Foreign Policy, Government, Views of U.S. & Economy, or Politics & Elections – and, using the pull-down menus attached to your choice, as before, tell me what three patterns seemed to fit well with your understanding of political differences and what three patterned differences surprised you – and tell me why?

3. Third – and this is the most important part of your response – explain HOW each of the following “social factors” – parents, peers, social class, sex, age, race, education, geographical area – have affected your ideological position? Be certain to address each of these factors.

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