this session you have investigated the important role scripture

This session you have investigated the important role Scripture holds in your education here at CCU. As you read in your Biblical perspective this session, CCU believes the Bible is God’s written Word.

Read the following Scripture passages from the Bible:

Psalms 18:30
Psalms 33:4
Psalms 119:105
Psalms 119:130
Proverbs 2:6
Joshua 1:8
Matthew 7:24
Romans 15:4
I Corinthians 2:6-16
II Timothy 3:16-17
Hebrews 4:12
I Peter 2:2

[Note: As you read these Scriptures you will see God’s Word (the Bible) referred to as Word of Light, Lord’s Word, His Mouth, Book of Law, His Word, Scripture, etc.)]

In light of what you have read this session and the above Scripture, describe why it is important to study the Bible (250 – 500 word count).

Click on the Session 2 Reflection Paper link to submit your assignment by the posted due date. Review the rubric available in Due Dates and Grades for specific grading criteria.

How to reference the reading assignments for this session:

CAGS adheres to APA Style for references, citations, and the general format of student papers. Examples of how to cite some of the reading assignments are provided for you.

References Page

Colorado Christian University. (n.d.). Statement of faith at Colorado Christian University.

Retrieved from

Colorado Christian University (n.d.). Session 1 Biblical perspective. [Online Course Biblical

Perspective]. Retrieved from Colorado Christian University Online INT-212A.

In-text Citations

(Statement of faith at Colorado Christian University, n.d.)

(Session 1 Biblical perspective, n.d.)

*Remember, because scripture is considered a classical text, you do not need to include it on your references page, but you do need to include an in-text citation. Be sure to include the version of the Bible you are using in your first citation. You may abbreviate subsequent citations as below.

(John 3:16, New International Version)

John 3:16 (NIV)