turn in a proposal for a social media marketing campaign for one particular brand

Assignment Proposal

Turn in a proposal for a social media marketing campaign for one particular brand (your brand can be person, business, service, object, etc. My plan is to create an Instagram account, and record my pet’ life and cute moment). It can be a fictitious character, object, or service but when you share them on public social networking sites, please put disclaimer that this site is only for ” class project” so that your consumers are not confused. Avoid popular existing brands. All your “content” for the marketing must be original materials. Content means, anything you put on social media, whether it be short posts, videos, etc.

Proposal Essay Instruction:

4-5 pages double spaced times new roman

Essay is worth 15% and the project is worth 15%. Total 30%.

Marketing Proposal and Promotion Project

In your proposal, address following questions. Please write each question and answer them one by one in the essay. In doing so, summarize and cite module readings as part of your proposal. Also one min. outside research reference is required.

1) What is your brand?

2) What does your brand represent?

3) Who is it for? (Audience)

4) What are your plans for marketing the brand using social media? Come up with a clear plan and strategies. What source and social media site will you use? How will you try to reach audience?

5) After listening to videos, and reading journal articles, what is the most effective way to launch social media marketing? What are the current trends and how does it impact business?

6) What are the ways in which you can create a lasting brand/visibility?

7) Reflect on ethical implications and critical tone of voices on self-branding.

After you turn in your proposal, you will start marketing campaign via social media.

To complete a project, create a social networking site featuring all your marketing and branding ideas into practice. Include your promo videos (you can create one using your smartphone or other devices) and Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc. account showcasing your advertising. There is no limit when it comes to marketing ideas but this blog must be able to communicate effectively through visual, written and oral presentation of your brand.

Starting from this due date, you need to post min. 5 posts per week to promote your brand on social media. The dates you post your contents are absolutely critical part of your grade. The number of contents and variety of contents are also highly important aspect I look at when I am grading your blog.

Marketing Proposal

Marketing Proposal

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction/Consumer Analysis/Marketing Objective and Goal

30.0 pts

• Introduction: The introduction clearly and concisely introduces the purpose of the marketing plan. • Consumer Analysis: Information about customers is thoroughly and clearly reported. • Marketing Objective and Goals: The marketing objectives and goals are clearly related to the brand.

25.0 pts

Introduction: The introduction is somewhat unclear and/or not concise in stating the purpose of the marketing plan. • Consumer Analysis: Most of the important information about consumer is reported, although not as thoroughly and clearly as possible. • Marketing Objectives and Goals: Linkage of marketing objectives and goals to company/organization mission is not clearly stated. Some of the objectives and goals are unclear and/or not appropriately quantified.

20.0 pts

Introduction: There is no introduction that states the purpose of the marketing plan. • Consumer Analysis: Although some consumer information is reported, it is clear that only minimal efforts toward attaining this data have been made. • Marketing Objectives and Goals: Marketing goals and objectives are missing or those that are identified are not quantified or are inappropriate.

0.0 pts

No Marks

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMarketing Strategies

30.0 pts

Marketing Strategy: The marketing strategy is logically and effectively linked to the marketing objectives and goals. The strategy is creative and original and employs a unique approach to social media marketing

25.0 pts

Marketing Objectives and Goals: Linkage of marketing objectives and goals to company/organization mission is not clearly stated. Some of the objectives and goals are unclear and/or not appropriately quantified.

20.0 pts

Marketing strategy: The marketing strategy is missing or is illogical given the marketing objectives and goals. The strategy is highly repetitive and lackadaisical and employs an unoriginal approach to social media marketing.

0.0 pts

No Marks

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting(organization/grammar/spelling/formatting)

20.0 pts

Organization: Written work is well organized and easy to understand. Sections of the plan are marked with appropriate headings. Grammar, Spelling and Formatting: The plan has been thoroughly spell-checked and proofread. There are no to almost none grammatical or spelling errors. There are no formatting errors.

15.0 pts

Organization: The organization is generally good, but some sections seem out of place. Some headings may be missing. Grammar, Spelling and Formatting: There are a few spelling and/or grammatical errors. There are one to three formatting errors.

10.0 pts

Organization: The plan is disorganized to the extent that it prevents understanding the content. Grammar, Spelling and Formatting: There are frequent misspelled words, serious grammatical errors, and formatting errors, indicating that time was not taken to spell-check and proofread.

0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch

20.0 pts

: The plan cites the content materials in the module 5 such as videos and journal articles, and demonstrates an in-depth understanding of social media marketing.

15.0 pts

The plan cites the content materials in the module 5 such as videos and journal articles, and demonstrates some understanding of social media marketing.

10.0 pts

The plan cites the content materials in the module 5 such as videos and journal articles, and demonstrates poor understanding of social media marketing.

0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0
