UA Health Informatics Presentation

Week 5 – Final Presentation

  • Due Monday by 11:59pm
  • Points 17
  • Submitting an external tool

Final Presentation

[WLOs: 1, 4, 5, 6] [CLOs: 1, 3, 4, 5]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 18, 19 and 20 from the Fundamentals of Law for Health Informatics and Information Management textbook. One career path of a registered health information administrator (RHIA) is supervision. As a supervisor, it is imperative that you and your staff are aware of key workplace laws and employee responsibilities. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes addressing the following topics:

  • Employment laws
    • Age discrimination
    • Employer responsibility and employee rights
    • Employee safety
  • Employee responsibilities
    • Incident reporting (including the Joint Commission Sentinel events)
    • Risk management (including risk identification, risk analysis, and risk evaluation)
    • Government focus on patient safety
  • Create and review a procedure for employees to follow for one of the following topics:
    • Employee posting on social media (Fundamentals of Law for Health Informatics and Information Management, Chapter 13)
    • What information can be released when a celebrity or “person in the news” in under the care of the hospital (Fundamentals of Law for Health Informatics and Information Management, Chapter 15)
    • Release of information to a parent who does not have custody of a minor
    • The Uniform Health-care Decisions Act for consent to treatment and donation of decedent’s body (Fundamentals of Law for Health Informatics and Information Management, Chapter 8)

For each topic within your PowerPoint presentation,

  • Define the topic.
  • Explain why it is important in the health information management workplace.
  • Summarize the statute, regulation, and/or administrative rule.
  • Explain the key points a new supervisor and/or an employee needs to know.
  • Examine two examples of violations.
  • Describe the penalties for violations of the workplace law.

Your PowerPoint presentation