UArizona Global Campus Ethical Dilemma in Grace Schara Case Analysis

Provide your analysis of the case from the lens of ethical and moral principles. Responses to your group members’ posts will prompt further examination of the case.

These cases put a spotlight on issues of disability, informed consent, and family, including the different ways individuals, even within the same family, assess what makes a life worth living. Other issues that emerge are medical discrimination that allegedly led to the death of their loved ones. There are several articles to guide your reading and videos for added insight into these two cases.


As you read the assigned ethical/moral dilemma case for your group:

  1. Examine and discuss as a group      the ethical dilemma using the main principles of ethics, the framework for      decision-making: respect for autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and      justice (Belmont Report, 1979). Include in your analysis a discussion of      the failures of these four principles and the implications of lack of      informed consent.
  2. Additionally, discuss the      assigned case considering ethical violations of medicine that directly      harmed the patient and disregard codes of medical and moral values      Hippocratic Oath. To do so, examine whether the general      ethical and moral values of the Hippocratic Oath were      violated or alternatively, justified. Explain.
  3. Provide a reflection on the      ethical and moral dilemma case study.
  4. Although responses to the other      group’s discussion is not mandatory, it is encouraged that you examine the      other ethical and moral dilemma case because both represent valid concerns      with the medical community and serious disregard for human dignity and      value of life.

Group 2

‘It’s Genocide’: Family Alleges Ominous Conclusion in Seeking Answers to Their Daughter’s Death Download ‘It’s Genocide’: Family Alleges Ominous Conclusion in Seeking Answers to Their Daughter’s Death

Scott Schara: Pfizer Drugs & Medical Malpractice Killed His Daughter Grace EditDownload Scott Schara: Pfizer Drugs & Medical Malpractice Killed His Daughter Grace

Our Amazing Grace (Links to an external site.) Our Amazing Grace: News Release – World Wide Genocide

Grace Schara—an inquisitive young woman with Down-Syndrome—died a tragic and preventable death at a Wisconsin hospital. Rather than using treatments proven to combat COVID-19, Ascension’s St. Elizabeth’s Hospital followed the U.S. government’s ineffective COVID-19 treatment protocols, for which they reap significant financial rewards. On the final day of Grace’s life, as her doctor assured her parents she was doing well, Dr. Gavin Shokar also “unilaterally labeled Grace a DNR and ordered a lethal combination of IV sedatives and narcotics”—a fatal combination of the drugs Precedex, Lorazepam, and Morphine—which were administered over an incredibly short period of time.