UCSD Global Hegemony and Labor Dynamics Scholarly Intervention

The purpose of the scholarly intervention is to critically engage the readings, lectures, and cultural texts discussed in class. The scholarly intervention will be 5 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, and 1-inch margin all around. Citation should follow the American Sociological Association guideline. You must accurately cite the readings, lectures, and cultural texts.

As Freire reminds us, we must be “subjects-readers” in the act of study, and thus you must be engaged in this scholarly intervention. It is not a summary of the past few weeks of lecture or readings, but rather your own interpretation, critique, or analysis of the course material. Here are some guiding questions/points of discussion to think about while you write your scholarly



1. What are some ideas that you found new, relevant, and/or inspirational in the readings,

lectures and/or cultural texts/videos? Why?

2. What new perspective does the book chapters, articles, lectures, and cultural texts/videos generate for you?

3. What were the authors trying to argue, convey, or express? Why is it important? Why does it matter?

4. How do the readings, lectures, and cultural texts relate? What is a possible guiding thread?

5. In what ways does the reading reinforce, extend, challenge, or oppose your own views? Be specific?

6. What current social issues can be analyzed through the readings, lectures, and cultural texts?-

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