UI Sociology Vocabularies Questions
Key Terms Chapter #1 An Introduction to Sociology. Please create a word, pdf, rtf or power point including ALL vocabulary words and definitions to better help you understand basic concepts of the chapter. ALL terms can be found in your textbook, PP’s or please use SOCIOLOGYDICTIONARY.ORGLinks to an external site..
- antipositivism
- conflict theory
- constructivism
- culture
- dramaturgical analysis
- dynamic equilibrium
- dysfunctions
- figuration
- function
- functionalism
- generalized others
- grand theories
- hypothesis
- latent functions
- macro-level
- manifest functions
- micro-level theories
- paradigms
- positivism
- qualitative sociology
- quantitative sociology
- reification
- significant others
- social facts
- social institutions
- social solidarity
- society
- sociological imagination
- sociology
- symbolic interactionism
- theory
- verstehen
Key Terms Chapter #2 Sociological Research. Please create a word, pdf, rtf or power point including ALL vocabulary words and definitions to better help you understand basic concepts of the chapter. ALL terms can be found in your textbook, PP’s or use SociologyDictionary.org.Links to an external site.
- accuracy
- case study
- code of ethics
- content analysis
- correlation
- debunking
- dependent variables
- empirical evidence
- ethnography
- experiment
- field research
- Hawthorne effect
- hypothesis
- independent variables
- interpretive framework
- interview
- literature review
- nonreactive research
- operational definitions
- participant observation
- population
- primary data
- qualitative data
- quantitative data
- random sample
- reliability
- samples
- scientific method
- secondary data analysis
- surveys
- validity
- value neutrality
Key Terms Chapter #3 . Please create a word, pdf, rtf or power point including ALL vocabulary words and definitions to better help you understand basic concepts of the chapter. ALL terms can be found in your textbook, PP’s OR SociologyDictionary.org Links to an external site..
- beliefs
- countercultures
- cultural universals
- culture
- culture lag
- diffusion
- discoveries
- ethnocentrism
- folkways
- formal norms
- globalization
- high culture
- ideal culture
- informal norms
- innovations
- inventions
- language
- mores
- norms
- popular culture
- real culture
- sanctions
- Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
- social control
- society
- subcultures
- symbols
- values
Key Terms Chapter #4 Society and social Interaction. Please create a word, pdf, rtf or power point including ALL vocabulary words and definitions to better help you understand basic concepts of the chapter. ALL terms can be found in your textbook, PP’s OR SociologyDictionary.org Links to an external site..
- achieved status
- agricultural societies
- alienation
- anomie
- ascribed status
- bourgeoisie
- capitalism
- class consciousness
- collective conscience
- false consciousness
- feudal societies
- habitualization
- horticultural societies
- hunter-gatherer societies
- industrial societies
- information societies
- institutionalization
- iron cage
- looking-glass self
- mechanical solidarity
- organic solidarity
- pastoral societies
- proletariat
- rationalization
- role conflict
- role performance
- role strain
- role-set
- roles
- self-fulfilling prophecy
- social integration
- society
- status
- Thomas theorem
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