unit 3 and 4 consumption journal assignment instructions

Per the grading rubric, in order get full credit you must provide a three page report (not including title page and reference page), 5 references (contributors to the social sciences, use in-text citations to cite them), Integrate 5 or more concepts/theories, demonstrate reflective and critical understanding of factors influencing your purchases, no mechanical & grammatical errors, submit the journal & report (both documents must be submitted).

Using consumer behavior theory and principles, prepare a 3 page report in which you analyze the influences that led you to your purchase decisions. Specifically, examine personality, family, peer, cultural, lifestyle, situational and demographic influences that led you to your purchases. You must cite your sources throughout the report using in-text citations, while connecting consumer behavior principles and theory.

Examples of concepts, principles, and theory include, but is not limited to the following:
Injurious Consumption pg 22
Need Satisfaction pg. 22
External Influences pg. 24
Internal Influences pg. 25
Consumer Decision Process pg. 27
Self-Concept and Lifestyle pg. 26
Cultural Factors pg. 40
Cultural Values Page 43
Self Oriented Values pg. 51
Terminal Materialism pg. 52
Other-Oriented Values pg 86
Generation/Age Cohorts pg 117-128