unit 4 discussion 2 reply

1. Shelby

One of the writer’s favorite Sunday School teachers would always tell the class that life was about choices. She explained that the decisions people make during their youth directly affect their futures. She could not have been more accurate. For the writer, this has especially rung true in how her life actually unfolded very differently than she had imagine while growing up. As a senior in high school, the writer dreamed of becoming a pharmacist and making large sums of money. Although she was an excellent student making high marks in every subject, she knew that her strengths were in reading and language, and weaknesses were in science and math. Pharmacy majors take a host of science and math courses to complete their course of study. Nevertheless, the writer signed up to major in pharmacy. Needless to say, the writer received less than favorable grades during her first semester of college. This led to the changing of her major and into the field of work that she is in today. Similarly, the writer grew up in a very religious background. She was taught from preteen years that premarital sex was a sin against God. Because the writer took it upon herself to make her own choice about having sexual intercourse before marriage, the writer became pregnant during the fall semester of her second year of community college. This really changed the planned course of the writer’s life for obvious reasons. This goes back to what the writer’s Sunday school teacher instilled in her, that life was about choices. Gerald Dworkin’s philosophy that people create their own life is spot on. There are some that argue that individuals are not the only contributors to their reality, which may on some levels be true, but the writer feels that some people refuse to take responsibility for poor choices. Stormwolf (2019), says, “We create our realities, whether it be pain or joy, by our self-beliefs. When we understand this, it moves us out of ‘victim’ and ‘blame’ role’ and into the role of ‘Authentic Power’, and Creating Consciously.”

Stormwolf, A. (2019). Creating your own reality & the power of thought | Soul Awakening. Soul Awakening. Available at: http://www.soul-awakening.com/philosophy/creating-…

2. Jasmine

In life, each person is responsible for their own lives and the journey in which they take throughout life. How a person chooses to live and the ethics they embed into every day reflect certain outcomes. Though God is the Creator, he allows his children to have free will. Everyone comes to the realization that the choices they make up for the outcomes they receive. For example, when I was I first moved to Atlanta I started having horrible sinus issues and asthma problems. I never had an issue before and believed it was just due to being in a new place and my body was just adjusting. My doctor told me that the he recommend prescriptions to help with both. I have never had any health issues and did not want to be dependent on medications. I was sure that I would adjust to my new environment. The doctor respected my decision and did not pressure me. However, my opinion was very wrong and ended up being hospitalized due to these issues. This is an example of how I was creator of my own life. Although my decision was not the right one, I was still in control of my life and my outcomes. Proverbs 16:9 states, “You may make your plans, but God directs your actions” (NIV). Even though we are in control of our lives, God has the final say so. We may make decisions that affect our life but our directions can always be changed.