University of Phoenix Program Linear Model Resources Paper
Identify the people, technology, equipment, space and other assets required to conduct program activities and accomplish expected effects or desired results. Accountability for the management and use of resources, which may also be called ‘inputs’, is also an important element for this deliverable. Don’t worry about money, yet. That will be covered when we write the budget. See Chapter 5 of the Guide to Writing a Business Case for information about translating Activities into required Resources.
Identify the team required to make the project a success.
List the total number of necessary full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) and core team members (by
function). Convert part-time employees’ time to full-time equivalents (~40 hours/week=full-time).
Include subject matter experts (SMEs) who will need to contribute to the project. They may be
consultants or contractors rather than team members. Contractors are defined as vendors who work on
the project as part of the team. Consultants are vendors who work on the project on an as-needed
–Explain all resources required—technology, equipment, facilities—required for the project.Outline any special resources required—such as access to locations, etc.Whenever possible, include how long you’ll need the resources for (and be sure to account for
any costs in your calculations)