WCUI Health & Medical Patient History Samples Question
This assignment is designed to develop skills in obtaining patient histories. To finish this exam pre test, identify three (3) friends, family, or classmates who are willing to provide a patient history. Practice taking the patient history with each. this assignment by writing up the results in document and submitting it as part of the assignment. Do not include any personal information that would identify the participating friend, family member or classmate in the patient history.
Assignment Details
Describe the importance of obtaining a thorough patient history.
Using concise, medical terminology, practice obtaining patient history for carotid ultrasound exm Some questions to consider and refer to book or research for additional ideas:
- Do you smoke? If so, how much for how long?
- Do you have history of HTN, hyperlipidemia, DM?
- Do you have history of vascular disease (CAD, PAD, CVA)?
- What are the reasons for your doctoring ordering this paper exm If stroke symptoms, need length of time.