week 2 assignment 10 questions approx 4 sentences each

After reading chapter 5 of the textbook, complete this activity. You have learned about the skill of understanding and managing diversity – what it is, why it is important, and how to improve your skill in these areas. Make it personal and reflective.

Answer the questions below in comprehensive, complete sentences. Do not provide brief answers. Instead, compose at least 4-5 full sentences (i.e., a complete paragraph) that answer each of the posed thought-provoking discussions.

  • See the attached 10 questions:)

Please remember that your task is to not only write your own assessment, but to show that you are able to draw connections between your readings and your reflection. Use concepts and theories from the appropriate chapters, explain your understanding of their application, and show how they help you understand yourself. Remember to cite properly in-text (Author, YEAR) and at the end of your reflection with a fully formatted APA reference.