week 5 assignment 68
Your Assignment 5 relates to chapters 17 (Externalities and the Environment) and 18 (Income Distribution and Poverty) respectively.. You will be answering questions related to the purpose of Microeconomics and the applications of concepts for economic measurements.
Your assignment is worth 5 pts, and each of the questions must have at least 200 words per answer supported by more than the textbook reference, it must come from Library (2 references.) In addition your answers must prescribe to APA format.. You must submit a cover page, each question in a page by itself, and your references page must be also in a page by itself. And, please do not forget to reference your in-text.
Your assignment grade will be based on the following “Rubrics”
– APA Formatting 20% (running head, page numbering, font style & size, double spacing , margins 1″, paragraphs indents, proper and complete referencing for your references sources, references page hanging indents, in-text referencing)
– References Sources 20% (textbook, two other references Library not the Internet)
– Originality Report 20% (70% or higher, titles and references do not count against your work)
– Content Relevancy 20% (100% relevant content to the subject matter)
– Content Volume 20% (it must be at least 200 words of writing per question)
– Explain the difference between fixed-production technology and variable technology. Should the government set a goal of reducing the marginal social cost of pollution to zero in industries with-fixed production technology? Should they do that in industries with variable technology?
– What is the Lorenz curve? What does the Lorenz curve in Exhibit 2 illustrate?