Week 7 Discussion: Communities and Disaster Preparedness (Graded
Discussion Question
Think about disasters your community has or could potentially face. Now, think about how your community is helping its members prepare.
Explore your community and find an advertisement that represents helping community members be prepared for a disaster.
Examples could be a billboard, poster at a bus stop, marquee sign, flyer, yard sign and more. Example: Sign advertising ‘free’ flu vaccinations at a local pharmacy.
- Upload that picture into the discussion.
To have it display in your post:
- Click the embed image (looks like a picture of a mountain),
Choose upload image from the drop down arrow
- Click on the Upload Image (rocket ship) icon
Click on the image you want to display
- Choose Open
Click Submit
- Describe the message the advertisement is conveying.
Describe how the message impact preparedness.
- If you cannot find any advertisement in your community, describe a type of advertisement for disaster preparedness you think would be most beneficial to your community and how it would be best conveyed.
Next, identify one community setting that is impacted by the disaster advertisement you shared
- Settings:
Correctional facilities
- Home health
- Schools
Forensic areas
- Hospice
Faith communities
- Occupational health
Analyze at least one nursing role (refer to Week 6 lesson) related to disaster preparedness in that setting. Example: In the school setting, what actions and interventions would be involved with the nurse as coordinator of disaster preparedness?
- Identify at least one key stakeholder related to the setting that a CHN could collaborate with regarding disaster preparedness. Include why this collaboration is important.
- Your discussion post should look like:
- Uploaded picture
Paragraph one: Describe the message the advertisement is conveying and how the message impact preparedness.
Paragraph two: Identify one community setting that is impacted by the disaster advertisement you shared. Analyze at least one nursing role related to disaster preparedness in that setting.
Paragraph three: Identify at least one key stakeholder related to the setting that a CHN could collaborate with regarding disaster preparedness. Include why this collaboration is important.
- Resources: Where did you find your data?
I will also need one replay to two classmates responses please, I am attaching them below
- Jeny:
- This flyer image is from the Prince William Health Department regarding the monkeypox vaccination in the community. For those who are interested in receiving the vaccine, they would either go to the website listed or scan the QR code shown in image to fill out the redcap survey. Once the survey questions are answered and submitted, the public health nurse at the health department would reach out to the client if eligible, to schedule the client for an appointment. This image impacts preparedness for the community as the health department is vaccinating a variety of different clients especially those who are considered high risk. It further prevents the spread of monkeypox and protects the community as a whole.
- A community setting that this effects is the health department. As there has been a surge of clients requesting for the vaccine, the health department has been overwhelmed with the requests that have been coming through. The eligibility criteria has been changing on the daily, therefore one day a client could not be eligible but they could, the next day. Also with the limited amount of vaccines that are available, the screening process is critical as it determines who may receive a subcutaneous route dose or a intradermal route dose, in which yields 1 dose verses 5 doses. A nursing role that could assist with this disaster is having the vaccine available at other healthcare provider locations such as hospitals, urgent care centers, doctors offices and etc to administer the vaccine versus only having it available at the health department.
- Collaborating with other community partners with nurses like colleges, high schools or community centers to set up monkeypox vaccination clinic events would be important. This is important not only because it would alleviate the surge of clients that the health department is getting but it allows there to be greater access to the vaccine. It would also provide more time for education and getting the word out to the community.
- Resource:
- Prince William Health District. (2022, September 26). Prince William Health District. Retrieved October 11, 2022, from https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/prince-william/
- Katjia:
- The advertisement above was issued by the Brown County Public Health Department in regard to the Covid-19 vaccine after it became available for free to everyone aged 6 months old or older. The poster includes numerous locations at which someone can receive the Covid-19 vaccination in Brown County, Wisconsin. There are helpful links and numbers listed to aid in making the process as simple as possible. The poster even includes a QR code, which is becoming increasingly popular, so that those that are interested can see the information on their smartphone. Rather than trying to persuade a specific audience, the advertisement simply is providing helpful information to community members. This message impacts the audience by presenting their preparedness to the public for having the resources to get vaccinated and protect the community.
One community health setting impacted by this advertisement would be the pharmacy. Typically pharmacies are used primarily to fill prescriptions and administer vaccines routinely for influenza or the varicella-zoster virus. The Covid-19 vaccine was and continues to be administered at much larger volumes, making the demand much higher. Each time a pharmacist has to administer a vaccine, it takes time away from educating patients and refilling medications for their acute or chronic illnesses. This can overwhelm the staff and frustrate patients. One nursing role related to disaster preparedness in hospital or outpatient clinic settings would be to aid in the administration of vaccines in order to fit the needs of the high volumes of patients as it is in the scope of practice of a nurse.
A community health nurse can collaborate with locations that provide vaccine services to aid in the administration as well as education about the vaccine to the public. Because the target demographic is of all age ranges, the community health nurse has many opportunities to inform the public and provide them with the safe administration of vaccines.
- Resources:
- Brown County ” Community ” covid-19 ” covid-19 vaccination (2021). Brown County. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from https://www.browncountywi.gov/community/covid-19/c…