What changes and conflicts emerged as Americans developed a national culture? Consider each of these movements and the cultural impact of each between 1820 and 1860

DirectionsAfter completing the Week 11 activities, answer these questions in your own wordsPlease change the color of your answers, so that I can easily see your answers!

1. What changes and conflicts emerged as Americans developed a national culture? Consider each of these movements and the cultural impact of each between 1820 and 1860

  • What developments and changes took place with individualism? What were the conflicts and consequences?
  • What developments and changes took place with religious sects? What were the conflicts and consequences?
  • What developments and changes took place with abolitionism? What were the conflicts and consequences?
  • What developments and changes took place with women’s rights? What were the conflicts and consequences?

2. Refer back to your LearningCurve score for Ch. 10. Which area of the reading had the lowest score (topic performance details)? Highlight the answer.

A. Spiritual Awakenings

B. Urban Cultures and Conflicts

C. African Americans and the Struggle for Freedom

D. The Women’s Rights Movement

3. Find the Chapter 10 Review (linked in the Textbook: Chapter 10 section of Module 11). There are 4 review questions that correspond to the four sections of the chapter. Answer the question for your lowest score as identified in #2.

4. Based on US Crash Course #15 (19th Century Reforms):

  • What was the utopian experiment at Brook Farm? Why was it a failure?
  • What was the religious ideology behind the Second Great Awakening? How did this affect the Market Revolution?
  • What was the Temperance Movement and what did it do?
  • Who was William Lloyd Garrison? What was his role as an abolitionist?
  • How did Congress use the gag rule in 1836 to suppress free speech surrounding the issue of slavery?
  • What did Frederick Douglass say in front of Congress on July 4, 1852?
  • How did abolitionists work towards a more just society? How did it transform the way that Americans saw slavery?

5. Based on US Crash Course #16 (Women in the 19th Century):

  • What was the principle of coverture? How did it pertain to women at the time of the American Revolution?
  • What attitude were American women supposed to have according to the ideals of What was the Cult of Domesticity?
  • What happened at the Seneca Falls Convention?
  • Who was Sojourner Truth? How did she advance the rights of Black women?
  • How were the ideals of the Women’s Rights Movement twisted by critics?

6. Declaration of Sentiments and Letters on the Equality of the Sexes

  • In what ways were all women’s freedoms limited in the early 19th century?
  • What, if any, concerns mentioned in the Declaration of Sentiments still continue today?

7. Emerson’s “Nature”

As you read Emerson’s “Nature,” think about how the rise of industrialization might be framing his ideas.

  • What exactly does he call for people doing?
  • Why is “nature” central to that mission