“What the Barbarians did for us” This shows us the idea of dominus ( lordship), the most important marker of temporal power in the Middle Ages.

This discussion has two parts that concern the two parts of the documentary that we watched this week.

Movie 1: “The Clash of the Gods” This shows the search for the idea of sanctus (the sacred) which was the most important marker of God in the in the Middle Ages.

Much of early Christianity was a search for marketable and demonstrable signs of its sacred nature. Surprisingly, the more the Christian religion grows the more it turns to Roman/pagan images to represent the sacred.

Please comment on two different features of the messaging of early Christianity that illustrate this search for representing its sacred nature (75-150 words).

Movie 2: “What the Barbarians did for us” This shows us the idea of dominus ( lordship), the most important marker of temporal power in the Middle Ages.

Please comment on one important feature of the idea of dominus in the film (it really emerges around the 30 minute mark) and describe how it departed from the Roman and Greek ideas of power that we have (750-150 words).