witing report 250 words about 17 sdg i need to write 250 words about 17 sdg and answer 5 questions bellow attached is the 2019 sdg report that was a result of the 24 25 september sdg summit
i need to write 250 words about 17 SDG and answer 5 questions bellow
Attached is the 2019 SDG report that was a result of the 24-25 September SDG Summit. Please go through the report.
I have also attached the SDG 2019 Stat report that includes the company profiles (starting on page 80).
1- What was the most shocking part of the report for you?
2- What was a result/ achievement/ loss that made you feel happy? upset?
3- What SDG were more addressed than others? why do you think?
4-How many countries have worked towards achieving the goals? how many have not? how many do you think are trying?
5-Choose a goal and a country that presented results for that specific goal – what helped them reach that goal ? provide one example of an effort that country worked on for that goal you chose.
No plagiarism