write a 5 pages analysis paper about the topic and do research about it
Write a 5 pages paper to analyzing an assistive technology for disbility : Proloquo2Go
Here is book about it.
- What activities does this technology support?
- What work is required to create and maintain the technology?
- Who controls the design and policies? The designer or user?
- What are the benefits and harms of this technology?
- What kinds of people are “good users,†“bad users,†and “misfit users†in the vision of the world the technology promotes?
- What kinds of people and practices get pushed to the margins with this technology?
- What values (e.g. collaboration, privacy, trust, etc) does the technology script or enforce?
- Are there any functions that can be automated?
draw on each of the following methods to get a many-dimensional view of the technology:
- History: What is the history of this technology? How has it changed over time?
- Hermeneutics and semiotics: What are the many different ways in which it can be taken as a symbol? What sorts of ideas, metaphors, movements, ideologies, and the like are associated with it?
- Observations of practice: What do people do? What are the relevant embodied skills and knowledge at play