write a discussion 163

Discussion #2: Bebop Vocabulary Develops

Watch the Charlie Parker video ‘Hot House’ and the Art Blakey video ‘Moanin’ from the weblink module. Respond with a 1-2 page discussion of Jazz DNA, Style and Context. (see below)

Although both styles are built on the bebop vocabulary, what has changed in the music which makes Blakey’s music clearly in the Hard Bop style? What additions of rhythmic, and melodic ideas or other style characteristics have altered the sound of the band even though they are both jazz quintets. Site specific moments in each song to support your ideas, referencing either solos or, more importantly, timings (ei. at 2:30 the trumpet did x,y and z). The change from Bebop to Hard Bop was more than just musical, read the article “Bebop is Nowhere” and conclude your response to this assignment with a comment on the cultural context of bebop. What was, based on the article, the general public and jazz industry perception of Bebop? How does this factor into the shift towards Hard Bop and why?

and please analyze it carefully and accurately like time by time, and i have a example below. you can write like that but not same as that thank you!

Jazz DNA (middle eastern/ African elements in American music) DNA ELEMENTS

  • syncopated rhythm(playing rhythms in between or against the steady beat
  • Improvisation (the. Art of spontaneous composition in music)
  • Call and respond (echo style. Question and answer style-musical conversation )
  • Individuality (human voice as instrumental model. Use of bends. Slides and timbre-(tone manipulation) to sound like no one else.