Write a letter talking to the Senator in Flordia about the health insurance is too expensive and copayment is expensive and you want it to be affordable the people in Flordia / Reference only 4 years

Write a letter talking to the Senator in Flordia about the health insurance is too expensive and copayment is expensive and you want it to be affordable the people in Flordia / Reference only 4 years

( show expertise and empathy are valued in the letter)

Address the following in about 4 paragraphs to include: ( Follow the Rubric)

1. Introduce yourself;( student) state the issue that you will address in the letter that is causing the problem

2. Your opinion on this issue. Why is your issue important for you as a registered nurse; research about the issue to support your argument;

3. Restate your purpose for writing the letter. Ask the Congressman/Senator to help take action to address the issue.
