write a one page summary and answer the quesion about this case

Discussion – Chapter 12: Logistics Strategies

You have to read and understand the case DEGUSSA AND THE HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL, which can be found in the attached file.

Then, you need to do the following:

  • Write a one page summary of this case
  • Also in essay format, answer the question:
    • Should Ragussa bid on the memorial? if Yes why should they bid? And if No, why should they not bid?


  • This case worth about 30% of the entire grade, so please make sure to deliver an original and high quality work.
  • Also please note that Plagiarism is not acceptable in any form and a score of zero will be given on the paper, as the paper will be checked by Turnitin Website for plagiarism.
  • If an internet site is used, it must be cited properly. Plagiarism is not acceptable!

This work must be done in less than 2 days.