write an analytical research paper regarding legislation related to hospitality 1

SUBJECT: The denial of services to same-sex couples based on religious views of service provider, IE marriage planner, conference center, honeymoon suites.

Utilizing an objective stance, you will identify your perspective of the subject. Research for subject and include past and current cases, precedent, current public and business owner’s perspectives, any statistical information from business point of view. You will need to reference the course readings and any external sources that you may find. You will use your research to identify the affect(s) of the topic on the industry and construct a persuasive argument of why or why not the identified affect(s) are a benefit or a hindrance.

YOU WILL NEED TO DO AT LEAST ONE INTERVIEW. There is a whole nation of managers and operators that are just a phone call away, as well as legal professionals. Corporate offices can be approached as well. A transcript of the interview is not required. Reference the interview in writing supporting one of your points. Remember to use APA formatting for referencing correctly.

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
  • Length of paper: Between 2450 and 3150 words
  • Font and font size: Arial, 12 point.

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