Writing assignment #1:

Write a 3 page paper with a title page and bibliography following the format used by your major or department:
Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association
(APA), Council of Science Editors (CSE), Kate L. Turabian’s Manual, and
the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS).

You must have at least three sources and as many primary sources as you can find.

Save your paper in WORD document as (LastnameHIST221shortpaper1).

Write a 3 page paper with a cover letter and bibliography.

The topic for your paper:

Compare and contrast two slave narratives from two different states.

to explain what details and experiences these ex-slaves gave in
describing the institution of slavery and the practice of slavery.
Compare the two narratives for similarities and differences.

You must use the slave narrative site and reference both narratives in your paper
The link to where the narratives are: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/collections/voices/title.html

You must have at least two sources from
the Slave Narrative site. You must use the Modern Language Association
(MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), Council of Science
Editors (CSE), Kate L. Turabian’s Manual, and the Chicago Manual of
Style (CMS)style of your major. YOU MUST CITE YOUR SOURCES!

Summary: summarize your paper in the last paragraph.

paper MUST be typed in Microsoft word using Times New Roman font (12),
double spaced, with the preset margins. Students must submit the
historical topic paper no later than Sunday by midnight at the end of
week three.

Also note your paper will be submitted to the TURNITIN web program to check it for issues of plagiarism.

Late papers will not be accepted. No exceptions!