WU Week 5 Telemedicine & Healthcare Administration Dissertation

Dissertation Premise Template, Week 5 Assignment,

Page One, Title Page of the Premise Document:


This is Exactly How You Position the Premise Statement on This Page

Your Name

Health Services Program – School of Health Sciences

Page Two, Premise stated again at top of the page:

Premise: This is Exactly How You Position the Premise Statement on This Page

Problem Statement

Paragraph #1: Identification of an organizational problem involves basic components of the actual research problem. There are two basic components that must be identified: 1. The organization-based activity or condition that is causing a problem; 2. The problem itself.

Sentence #1: A sentence clearly stating the organization-based activity or condition that is causing a problem supported by a citation. Sentence #2: A sentence clearly stating the problem itself supported by a citation. Sentence #3: A sentence clarifying the problem supported by a citation. Sentence #4: A sentence clarifying the problem supported by a citation. Sentence #5: A sentence clarifying the problem supported by a citation.

The requirement for Paragraph #1 is that you provide between 3 and 5 sentences. The assumption is that all the sentences, whether 3 or 5, address the same problem; all citations within the last five years.

Paragraph #2: A gap with existing research refers to the fact that previous research has not already provided information on the problem that you are proposing. This step ensures that you will add to the body of knowledge in the health services administration field.

Sentence #1: “Gap sentence”, this is a single sentence that states specifically what gap the research will fill. A gap sentence specifically states the key elements that will be studied supported by a citation. Sentence #2: “Gap Validation”, this is a sentence validating there is an existing gap in the available literature supported by a citation. Sentence #3: This sentence can provide additional validation for the existence of a gap in the literature, supported by a citation.

The requirement is that Paragraph #2 be a single paragraph comprised of three sentences as described above.