annotated bibliography 4 pages 2

The Assignment: For each article, you will turn in a 1­page, single­spaced response that includes the following. Label each section.

Citation (Use MLA format. For help go to OWL( (Links to an external site.)

Summary (Be sure to present the main points, and demonstrate by using examples and quotations)

Evaluation (Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the content, type, and author of your source)

Synthesis (Briefly explain how you would use the source in a research paper about the literary work)

Assessment and Grading:

You should use the rubric to help guide you while you are working on the project. Please refer to the Glossery for the definition/explanation of terms. The assessment categories for this project will be:




I will be giving you your grade for the assignment. Though the grade will largely be based on how you do in these three categories, there is not a grand equation that connects grading to the rubric. You will also need to get the citations correct. I will count off for mistakes there.

there is also an attached sample please see it