Are children with divorced parents more likely to experience behavioral issues? research design
Option #1 (survey design)
I. Hypothesis and measurement:
Restate one of the two hypotheses you generated in the first part of your paper.
Identify the independent and dependent variables (control variables if it applies).
Provide nominal definitions.
II. Design and planning phase:
Decide on the type of survey (e.g. self-administered questionnaire or mail questionnaire, telephone interview, face to face, internet). Explain your reasoning.
- Discuss interviewer training or obtaining a high response rate based on the type of survey chosen.
- Decide on the time frame (e.g. panel, cohort, cross-sectional, etc.) Explain
- Define the target population.
Decide on the sampling frame.
Decide on the type of sample (e.g., systematic, simple-random, stratified, cluster) and describe how it will be conducted.
- Write twelve to fourteen questions measuring the dependent and independent variables (demographic variables do not count but include them).
- Decide on response categories.
- III. Discuss the methodological limitations of this study.
- Option #2 (field research design)
- I. Hypothesis and measurement:
- Restate one of the two hypotheses you generated in the first part of your paper.
- Identify the independent and dependent variables (control variables if it applies).
- Provide nominal definitions.
II. Design and planning phase:
Decide on a role (e.g. complete observer, observer as participant, participant as observer, complete participant). Explain the rationale for adopting such a role.
Select a field site and explain how access will be ensured.
Explain how social relations with members will be established.
Explain how data will be collected (e.g. watching, listening, note taking, field interview). Include some of the field interview questions.
- Discuss method of exiting.
- Discuss reliability, validity and generalizability.
- Discuss ethical issues.
III. Discuss the methodological limitations of this study.
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