Entries by Valet

SOC 205 UAGC Modernity and Self Identity Discussion

First, read the introductory essay located in Section Five of the course text, Social Theory Re-Wired. Then, read the contemporary theoretical work by Anthony Giddens, “Modernity and Self Identity” in Section Five of the course text, Social Theory Re-Wired. The introductory essay highlights the many ways in which we identify our ‘selves’. We can have […]

SA Social Work Internship Reflection Paper

Based on your social wor this week, write: Description of Activities (narrative, include type of activity, when and where it occurred, who was involved (staff/clients), describe what occurred including your role); include log topic, if applicable: Feelings: Describe positive and negative personal reactions you had to situations that occurred this week. Values: Discuss how personal […]

CSUN Meads Definition of Self Consciousness Essay

How does Mead define self-consciousness?  What role does language play in the development of self-consciousness?  What roles do language and self-consciousness play in social interaction (and vice-versa)?  Support your answers drawing from the excerpts from Mead’s work in CCST, the discussion offered by Edles and Appelrouth in CCST, and/or the recommended/optional relevant readings Document and link provided Link-  https://iep.utm.edu/mead/#H3

How women are held accountable for social ideas of femininity etc in the labor force

NO PLAGIARISM!!  “FINAL PAPER ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES (25 points, maximum) 7 This quarter has provided abundant information on women and work. We have discussed the relationship between family and work, in particular how the division of labor cuts across both social arenas. Using The Managed Hand and other course readings as your theoretical lens, discuss how […]

Salisbury University Evolution of Leadership Theory Discussion

     The Women’s Agency of Salisbury offered a full range of services to women including counseling, educational interventions, and career development programs.  Services were offered by a combination of professionals, paraprofessionals, and volunteers with important self-help and peer counseling components of most programs.      The one agency program that depended solely on professional service deliverers was the […]

MSU Unraveling the Romance Myth a Critical Examination of Love Intimacy and Sexuality in The Modern Age Essay

Answer this question: What is the romance myth and summarize Professor Essig’s argument? How does it relate to Stepping Off the Relationship escalator? Relate the key lessons of the two readings together, connecting with the concepts from the notes, including connecting it to Audre Lorde’s “the erotic,” queer theory, kink, keeping in mind the disclaimer […]